what are they wearing why would you ever |
Television. My favorite way to waste time (yes, you're talking to the girl who watched an entire season of American Horror Story in around 16 hours). Obviously before Mr. Miller's class I knew that television was the biggest form of mass media out there, but I had no idea it had as much of an affect on us as I realize now. Why do we dress like we do? We probably saw it on TV somewhere first. Why is pop culture so widespread and why does everyone know about it? TV. Why are American becoming lazy homebodies who don't leave their couch all day? You guessed it, TV. I hadn't even considered that pop culture was due to TV until we discussed it in class, but now that I come to think about it, it most definitely is. From the Beatles in 1964 to whatever it is the kids are watching nowadays (Dog with a Blog?? Sam and Kat? Who even knows anymore) we've all been influenced by TV. What's up with some of the questionable fashion choices I've seen on younger girls? They've probably seen someone they thought was "soo cool" on TV and wanted to imitate them. Whoever decides what goes on TV ultimately decides the next big thing
that's right friends I won |
TV also demassified about every other form of media there was out there, from newspapers to radio. It took all of the talent from the radio, forcing them to serve a niche audience. As for newspaper, most Americans get their news from television, as it was easier and quicker, you could get the news with just the click of a button (and you didn't even have to work your brain by actually
reading anything, wow!)
Another thing TV majorly influenced was politics. Every politician out there who doesn't have a strong TV advertising game (provided that their opponent does) is probably not going to end up in office. Barack Obama is a good example of this. His people were on their game, and he got his advertisements out there, and they had good, new information in them, and look where he is now.
So, in conclusion, TV is a huge part of most people's life at this point. Some people have it running all the time, some people are in front of the TV at exactly 8:59 on Mondays to catch the next Supernatural, some people use it to get the news, but no matter no matter how you personally use it, you are.